Monday, October 8, 2012

Dubbeltjie progress - whew

It's been a while since I posted any updates.  This has more to do with work and busy weekends then anything else.  However, I have made some progress by removing the heater unit and associated pipes and coolant.  I also started work on removing the fenders, front grille, running boards and other components.  Check out the pics below - of course, I had my share of broken of bolts.

I was forced to buy an electric grinder/cutter to cut some really stubborn bolts.  Found a deal at Harbor Freight - my new favorite man's store.  They have an incredible array of tools at really low prices.  I was there just the other day perusing through the tools when a dad walked in with his son - couldn't have been more than 7 years old.  As the dad walked in he spun around and told his son, "son this is the coolest store in the world - this is where men come to shop and hang out.  I love this place and you're going to love it too."  I concur with his sentiments!